Saturday, April 28, 2012

Drug Effects Cartoon

I found this one on YouTube; it looks like an oldie. This cartoon looks like it was created by Hanna Barbera (creators of Flintstones and Jetsons). It's an educational video on the "disastrous" effects of marijuana. What does this video try to convey? Is all the educational information necessarily accurate? How is this one different from modern anti-smoking ads? What are your thoughts on it?

1 comment:

  1. prompt 1: I found this video to be interesting. They call it a cartoon but it is more like a Public Service Announcement. I think this is actually helpful because it draws people to watch it by calling it a cartoon and then gets straight to the point. It's interesting to think why did the producer decide to use a caveman? is that to make a statement about how long drugs have been around or maybe some historical significance about the time period? I think that the cap and glasses are supposed to make the caveman look like the stereotypical smart-guy.
