Saturday, April 7, 2012

Quit Smoking Commercial

Quit Smoking Commercial

Hi guys! I found this video on YouTube for a quit smoking commercial.  I think is rather sad and it breaks my heart to see the little boy crying but I don’t want to give too much away.  After you watch the video, here are some things to think about.  What kinds of emotions do you think the makers of this commercial are trying to get the audience to feel and do you think these emotions are helpful in getting their message across?  What kind of message are the makers of this commercial trying to get across to us as the audience and do you think they were successful in it?  Do you think that they made this commercial to affect a certain age group or type of person and if so, what kind of person or group do you think it is?  If you read some of the comments that people have posted to this video, what you think they thought the message of this video was and do you think the message they got from this video was what was intended by the makers of the commercial?


  1. Great post! The makers of this commercial try to use scare tactics so the audience will view smoking as a deathly thing. While smoking of course is a bad habit and has many negative health consequences associated with it, what the creators don't mention is that many smokers are alright health. The number of deaths of smokers out of all smokers is actually rather low. I think that the commercials that show the smokers with holes in their throats are more effective, because they show the realistic, long-term effects of smoking, rather than showing someone missing. I think this commercial is aimed at adults; they ask something along the line of "You don't want your child missing you for life, do you?" Adults and parents, I would say.

  2. I really like this commercial. It really gets it's point across and I am actually going to email it to my mom because I have been trying to get her to stop smoking for forever. I will let you know what she says about it. Maybe videos like this will actually make a difference rather than the ones that just show about how they are hurting themselves and not how they are hurting others.

  3. I agree with Garrett that the commercials showing the health problems associated with smoking are very effective, but for some that does get their attention. The reality of abandoning your child or loved one is something that hits close to home for most people and may in fact be what’s necessary to gain their attention to open their eyes to the risks and side effects of smoking. The thing that people need to realize is that it does not just affect them, but everyone they are close to. Like Kelsy said it gets the point across and videos like this one can actually make a difference.

  4. Like everyone has said so far, I found the portrayal of smoking's effects on loved ones rather than just the physical effects to be really effective. If I smoked, I think this would have a greater chance of making me quit. In my opinion, this commercial is aimed squarely at adults and parents because of the use of the little boy.

  5. This commercial is trying to make smokers feel guilty about smoking. It uses the loss of a mother and abandonment of a child to do that. I think that this commercial is trying to say that if you smoke cigarettes, then you will die. I think that it is effective in its attempt to stop smokers. The target audience of this commercial is for parents or future parents. I think everyone got the same message out of it, which is to stop smoking, and the creator was effective in delivering it.

  6. I believe that this video was made to make the audience feel sad. When people are sad they tend to try and change their ways. Then you add in the effect of a child and the connection to the commercial is increased. To most parents the relationship with their children is the most important thing on the planet. Showing that the parents could lose this relationship because of their smoking habit gets the parents to think about stopping or actual stop. The commercial is very successful in conveying the message to stop smoking to adults.

  7. The makers of this commercial are playing on the fears of others as the main tactic in this commercial. Everytime a crying child is involved in a commercial, the audience has a deeper connection to the ad because they want to do something to help the child who doesn't know what to do. The message of this commercial is quite simple. Smoking pulls you further appart from your loved ones, and will eventually disconnect you from your loved ones altogether someday. This commercial was specifically made for parents of children because it shows them that they could never see their child again because smoking will kill them. I think this is a very strong anti-smoking commercial that installs fear in the parent by showing them the effects that their decision to smoke will leave behind on their child.

    1. I agree completely with the fact that the child is used to reach the emotional side. It quite clearly is geared towards a specific audience and the ad did a great job "playing" with the emotions.

  8. I really like this post. It's a great foil to Aaron's. While in his post they say that smoking could kill you, but it could also do worse, this focuses on the fact that it can, showing what you could leave behind.

    As for what Bryce said, I don't know to what extent smoking can pull you away from your loved ones. From personal experience, I'm still MUCH closer to the parent who smokes than the one that doesn't. While I disagree with her decisions, and it hurts, it's better than many alternatives. To me, I think it's a matter of perspective.
