This is an advertisement for a beer company that shows a man consoling a woman that burned food on the stove by assuring her that the beer is still fine. There are some important things to consider when analyzing this advertisement: Do you think the ad is from an older era or does it play off the old male breadwinner ideology? Are there implications of the woman cooking in the kitchen? What do the outfits say about each persons role in this seeming relationship? How is this ad supporting alcohol consumption? Do you think the ad is meant seriously as it is worded or are there other underlying messages about alcohol and life that are hinted upon by the ad?
Sunday, April 29, 2012,r:15,s:0,i:154
I found this picture very interesting and shocking. Notice the details about the girl's face. What exactly do you think this photo is trying to say. Also what about the mood of the photo and the coloring make it effective. What exactly do you think that the use of the word beauty implies/ how is the photo using this word to talk about the effects of drugs? How do you think the distortion of her face impacts the audience and how is this used to convey a message?
I found this picture very interesting and shocking. Notice the details about the girl's face. What exactly do you think this photo is trying to say. Also what about the mood of the photo and the coloring make it effective. What exactly do you think that the use of the word beauty implies/ how is the photo using this word to talk about the effects of drugs? How do you think the distortion of her face impacts the audience and how is this used to convey a message?
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Anti-Meth Ad
Anti-Meth Ad
This is a link to an anti-meth ad I found on youtube, it is not very complex, but it has some interesting aspects. Throughout the video the background just stays a single black color and does not change. What might this symbolize about someone on meth? The actress "Crystal Meth" starts out as a very put together women and as the video progresses she starts to change to show what happens to you the longer you stay on meth. The video does not have that big of a shock value, but does that lessen the strength of the overall message? Also, at the end of the ad the women is shown before and after doing meth, this is the first time that there was a change in the picture. What might this mean and why do you think the creator of the ad chose to do this?
This is a link to an anti-meth ad I found on youtube, it is not very complex, but it has some interesting aspects. Throughout the video the background just stays a single black color and does not change. What might this symbolize about someone on meth? The actress "Crystal Meth" starts out as a very put together women and as the video progresses she starts to change to show what happens to you the longer you stay on meth. The video does not have that big of a shock value, but does that lessen the strength of the overall message? Also, at the end of the ad the women is shown before and after doing meth, this is the first time that there was a change in the picture. What might this mean and why do you think the creator of the ad chose to do this?
Drug Effects Cartoon
I found this one on YouTube; it looks like an oldie. This cartoon looks like it was created by Hanna Barbera (creators of Flintstones and Jetsons). It's an educational video on the "disastrous" effects of marijuana. What does this video try to convey? Is all the educational information necessarily accurate? How is this one different from modern anti-smoking ads? What are your thoughts on it?
I found this one on YouTube; it looks like an oldie. This cartoon looks like it was created by Hanna Barbera (creators of Flintstones and Jetsons). It's an educational video on the "disastrous" effects of marijuana. What does this video try to convey? Is all the educational information necessarily accurate? How is this one different from modern anti-smoking ads? What are your thoughts on it?
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Alcohol Ad?

I found that this was an interesting picture becuase of the replacement of drugs with alcohol. Both are clearly bad for you but it's as if the author is saying that alcohol is better than drugs. Does this portrayal favor alcohol or drugs, and how does this change the view of the audience on the author? Does the emphasis on alcohol, with the orange letters and picture, make this an ad for alcohol and to what extent? How does the blandness of the background affect the audience and why would the author chose this instead of a more active picture?
This link is to an anti-drug ad that focused on meth. I thought this video was very interesting because it used many of the techniques such as shock value and youthful actors. How does this video play on the stereotype of children being naive? Is it more believable for the producer to use a young person than say an older person for when the actor assumes he will just try it just once? How does the scene add to the commercial? Is this where the video gets the most shock value or is it with the other actors and their appearance? Does this seem like a realistic scenario for a young person or do you think it is exaggerated quiet a bit? How might the over exaggeration downplay the message of the commercial and cause people to not take it as serious as it is trying to be?
This link is to an anti-drug ad that focused on meth. I thought this video was very interesting because it used many of the techniques such as shock value and youthful actors. How does this video play on the stereotype of children being naive? Is it more believable for the producer to use a young person than say an older person for when the actor assumes he will just try it just once? How does the scene add to the commercial? Is this where the video gets the most shock value or is it with the other actors and their appearance? Does this seem like a realistic scenario for a young person or do you think it is exaggerated quiet a bit? How might the over exaggeration downplay the message of the commercial and cause people to not take it as serious as it is trying to be?
Pro Methamphetamine
Most everything so far in the class this quarter has been anti-this and anti-that. I noticed this and thought that there must be something out on the internet that is supportive things that are bad. It was honestly harder than I expected to find something like this. Why might the author use a play on words to support meth use? What meaning do the batteries and water bottle cause and how might it make the audience feel? Is there a sense of sarcasm in this advertisement? How does the sarcasm effect the way the audience interprets the advertisement?
Anti-Drug Propaganda
This is an example of old anti-drug propaganda, specifically against marijuana. Who do you think it is marketed towards? How is it portraying the use of marijuana, and what techniques are used to accomplish this? What is the significance of the fact that the drug is being given from a boy to a girl?
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Above the Influence Commercial
This commercial is called "Lost". It's purpose is to show that doing drugs can make you lose yourself. It shows this by having the invisible person running around until he finds himself. Do you think the commercial is effective in making the viewer feel this way? Who do you think the intended audience is and why? Do you think this is an accurate representation for all drug users?
Anti-Smoking Ad
This commercial is an anti-smoking advertisement that shows factual statistics about the effects smoking has on people. It's a scary thought that smoking affects billions of people around the world and that one-seventh of deaths in the 21st centruy will be linked to smoking. Some questions to think about after viewing this clip are: What affect do the scrolling numbers have on the viewers? Are they meant to symbolize the shock that is associated with the mass number of people that smoking affects? Why do you think the creator has the video going in a time lapse compared to just showing a normal video? How do the background colors and symbols promote the message about the harmful effects smoking has on oneself? Do you think that if the ad showed graphic photos of smokers, the message would have a better persuasion for people to stop smoking? Why or why not?
This commercial is an anti-smoking advertisement that shows factual statistics about the effects smoking has on people. It's a scary thought that smoking affects billions of people around the world and that one-seventh of deaths in the 21st centruy will be linked to smoking. Some questions to think about after viewing this clip are: What affect do the scrolling numbers have on the viewers? Are they meant to symbolize the shock that is associated with the mass number of people that smoking affects? Why do you think the creator has the video going in a time lapse compared to just showing a normal video? How do the background colors and symbols promote the message about the harmful effects smoking has on oneself? Do you think that if the ad showed graphic photos of smokers, the message would have a better persuasion for people to stop smoking? Why or why not?
Stop Smoking Advertisement
In this billboard, there is a clear association drawn with smoking and death. Why did the creator of this billboard use something that is used to kill something other than oneself to show that one could kill themselves? In what way does the billboard use what's acceptable to society to make it's point? What does it assume about it's intended audience's feelings toward cigarettes, and bullets?
Hope to see some good ideas!
In this billboard, there is a clear association drawn with smoking and death. Why did the creator of this billboard use something that is used to kill something other than oneself to show that one could kill themselves? In what way does the billboard use what's acceptable to society to make it's point? What does it assume about it's intended audience's feelings toward cigarettes, and bullets?
Hope to see some good ideas!
Bud Light Commercial
Hey guys I am pretty sure that all of you have seen this
commercial. But it has a popular artist Pitbull in what looks like a club, drinking Bud Light. It brings up some good questions that relate
to our course theme. Such as why is the
main person in this commercial Pitbull (a celebrity) and not a random person? Why are the only people changing how they
look women? Besides wanting you to drink
Bud Light what is this commercial trying to say? Pitbull says “get the party started” is he
trying to say that you can only party with alcohol?
Monday, April 9, 2012
Tips from former smokers ad
Hey guys. Sorry that this is late, but I completely forgot about the deadline until after the deadline last night. Anyway, I'm sure most of you have seen this ad by now, but I wanted to share it because I feel that it's a perfect example of the course theme. Personally, I was completely shocked after viewing this for the first time, and was somewhat surprised that an ad like this was allowed on air. The before/after effects of smoking were especially striking. While watching this ad, what do you feel? What stands out most about this video? How do the creators of the ad get their point across? Do you think they crossed the line with this ad? Is this an accurate representation of smoking?
Hey guys. Sorry that this is late, but I completely forgot about the deadline until after the deadline last night. Anyway, I'm sure most of you have seen this ad by now, but I wanted to share it because I feel that it's a perfect example of the course theme. Personally, I was completely shocked after viewing this for the first time, and was somewhat surprised that an ad like this was allowed on air. The before/after effects of smoking were especially striking. While watching this ad, what do you feel? What stands out most about this video? How do the creators of the ad get their point across? Do you think they crossed the line with this ad? Is this an accurate representation of smoking?
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Anti-Drug Video: Just Once
This Anti-Drug Video is part of a series that incorporates the "they lied" aspect. In each series someone tells them a "lie" about drugs: "they are cool", "they will make you party longer" etc and then at the end after a video of the negative consequences they actor says "they lied." How does peer pressure affect substance use? Do you think that it is right to blame those who "peer pressure" for the consequences of those under the influence or should they still be responsible for their actions? How do you feel about the representation of the drugs in this video? Do you think they took it overboard, under board or just right? If you have time watch a few more of the videos from that series. Do you feel like they stereotype teens doing drugs?
This Anti-Drug Video is part of a series that incorporates the "they lied" aspect. In each series someone tells them a "lie" about drugs: "they are cool", "they will make you party longer" etc and then at the end after a video of the negative consequences they actor says "they lied." How does peer pressure affect substance use? Do you think that it is right to blame those who "peer pressure" for the consequences of those under the influence or should they still be responsible for their actions? How do you feel about the representation of the drugs in this video? Do you think they took it overboard, under board or just right? If you have time watch a few more of the videos from that series. Do you feel like they stereotype teens doing drugs?
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Quit Smoking Commercial
Quit Smoking Commercial
Hi guys!
I found this video on YouTube for a quit smoking commercial. I think is rather sad and it breaks my heart
to see the little boy crying but I don’t want to give too much away. After you watch the video, here are some
things to think about. What kinds of emotions
do you think the makers of this commercial are trying to get the audience to
feel and do you think these emotions are helpful in getting their message
across? What kind of message are the
makers of this commercial trying to get across to us as the audience and do you
think they were successful in it? Do you
think that they made this commercial to affect a certain age group or type of
person and if so, what kind of person or group do you think it is? If you read some of the comments that people
have posted to this video, what you think they thought the message of this
video was and do you think the message they got from this video was what was
intended by the makers of the commercial?
Friday, April 6, 2012
Hey! Here's a youtube video I found that is advocating not to drink and drive. It is pretty sad though, just as a heads up to everyone.Tell me what you guys think of it. What things in the video do you think were planned to make the video more emotional to the viewer? Do you guys think the people they picked to play the roles were important to the commercial? Who do you think the commercial was primarily trying to be directed towards and why do you think that? Let me know what you guys think!
Hey! Here's a youtube video I found that is advocating not to drink and drive. It is pretty sad though, just as a heads up to everyone.Tell me what you guys think of it. What things in the video do you think were planned to make the video more emotional to the viewer? Do you guys think the people they picked to play the roles were important to the commercial? Who do you think the commercial was primarily trying to be directed towards and why do you think that? Let me know what you guys think!
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